Arturo Fracassi Cesena, 1955
Arturo Fracassi (1899 - 1973) spent his youth as a carpenter while studying violin performance. He combined those interests, beginning to make instruments in 1924 after receiving advice and training from Carlo Biondi, Nicola Utili, and Gaetano Pollastri. He worked in Forli, Cesena, and Rimini.
Fracassi's instruments received recognition from the 1951 Anvers, 1954 Rome, and 1957 Florence violin making expositions. Fracassi also made bows and restored old instruments. His tools and bench remain displayed in Cesena in his honor.
This cello was made during Fracassi's best period. The outline is his personal model, with particularly long, stylized corners. The purfling slices toward the corners with elongated stings, and the channel around the purfling is shallow. The varnish is a rich red-brown that accentuates the narrow figure of the maple back, ribs, and scroll.
Arturo Fracassi (1899 - 1973) spent his youth as a carpenter while studying violin performance. He combined those interests, beginning to make instruments in 1924 after receiving advice and training from Carlo Biondi, Nicola Utili, and Gaetano Pollastri. He worked in Forli, Cesena, and Rimini.
Fracassi's instruments received recognition from the 1951 Anvers, 1954 Rome, and 1957 Florence violin making expositions. Fracassi also made bows and restored old instruments. His tools and bench remain displayed in Cesena in his honor.
This cello was made during Fracassi's best period. The outline is his personal model, with particularly long, stylized corners. The purfling slices toward the corners with elongated stings, and the channel around the purfling is shallow. The varnish is a rich red-brown that accentuates the narrow figure of the maple back, ribs, and scroll.